

Through these first five days since my new position was announced, I have been getting acclimated as Vice President of Passport, LLC. My phone and email activity is going absolutely nuts. There have been many notes of congratulation and encouragement. A few Associates has opted to phone me directly and share their excitement regarding our current direction.

Here is one realization that had immediately occurred to me.

As a Passport Associate, I would interact with my partners in my specific group. Occasionally, I would talk with folks outside of my LOS. Overnight, EVERY Passport Associate is now my partner directly. This will keep me very busy, assisting those the need help, but this is a part of the business that I have always enjoyed. I talked with a few people today that I have never met and enjoyed our conversations immensely. Good stuff.

With all the positive feedback and great ideas that have come forth, I am jazzed to think about where we are going as a company.


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