
Barnes & Noble® - Quixtar® IBOs Not Wanted

Apparently, a recent communication from Quixtar® Managing Director, Jim Payne, is instructing Independent Business Owners (IBO) to cease the long accepted (and expected) practice of prospecting within the Barnes & Noble® stores. The memo outlines that the Partner Store relationship with Quixtar® is seriously threatened by this activity.
It has been brought to our attention that some Quixtar Independent Business Owners are actively soliciting prospective IBOs at Barnes & Noble stores, despite clearly stated store policies prohibiting solicitation by store visitors. This practice must be discontinued as it represents a serious threat to the relationships between Quixtar and Barnes&Noble.com as well as to the reputation of the company and the business opportunity.
Further in the memo:
A poll conducted by Barnes & Noble of the managers of its more than 700 stores identified Quixtar IBOs as the most frequent violator of this store policy, with no other company-related group in second. This does not reflect well on the company nor on IBOs in general, and colors people's attitudes and receptivity to the opportunity we offer.
You can read a copy of the memo HERE.

The thundering sound of echoing footsteps as disenfranchised IBOs race to the nearest Borders® can be heard across the land.



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