
When to call

Anyone that uses leads to develop their business has, at one time, been faced with answering the dilema of the best time to call a prospect. Here are some great points to consider to make your time most effective plus improve your odds of conducting a quality conversation with your contact. Much of my personal business is being developed through lead contacts, both purchased and by a lead capture system and I have had to address the point of this post recently.

Andrew McLellan wrote -
So you have a prospect's name and phone number and you're ready to give them a call. What is the best time to call them if they haven't given that information? Early in the week day? Week nights? Saturday? Sunday? Hmm...

The first thing you should look at is what time they filled out their information. If it was 11:00 a.m. on a Monday morning, then it's a good bet they are available that same time in the week. Similarly, if they've filled out their information in the evening, then it's safe to assume they'll be available at a comparable time.

Some people have issues with calling prospects on weekends. This I can understand if you're a telemarketer or salesperson who's bothering people... but you're neither of those. When you call a prospect on the weekend, be sure to tell them two bits of information early on. One, that the call with short, and two, that you're not calling to sell them anything. Another bit of advice I will give is to make the conversation feel relaxed - like two friends chatting with each other. This will give the call a casual atmosphere and make it feel like a personal call that they wouldn't mind on the weekend anyway.
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